Astrology's Cancer Lucky Days - The Luckiest Time of Month for You

Astrology's Cancer Lucky Days - The Luckiest Time of Month for You

If your birthday falls between June 22nd and July 23rd, you were born under the Astrology sun tag of Cancer the crab. As a Cancer, you may know what's in your basic Horoscope reading. But I'll bet you don't know that clear days and hours of the month are especially lucky for you unprejudiced because of your zodiac imprint. Learn which days of the month will absorb satisfactory fortune for you.

Lucky Moon days for Cancer

There is a relationship between where your birthday falls in your sun ticket, and your lucky phase of the Moon. Cancers born between June 22nd and June 29th are luckiest during the days of the unusual moon. Those of you born between June 30th and July 7th are luckiest during the days when the moon is in its second quarter. Cancers born between July 8th and July 17th are luckiest during the days when the moon is paunchy. And lastly, Cancers born between July 18th and July 23rd are luckiest during the days of the moon's fourth quarter.

Numerology and Cancer's Lucky Days

Cancer's celestial number from Numerology is an eight, and the Moon, Cancer's ruling planet, has a numerological value of three. Taking the sum of these two numbers gives us the master number of (11) . effect that in Numerology, doubled numbers such as (11), (22), and (33) are referred to as Master numbers. These numbers have special significance and are usually interpreted as they are. However, for the purposes of finding your lucky days, we will slice this number to it's fadic sum of (2) . These two numbers, (11) and (2) are especially lucky for people born under Cancer. Numerology predicts that days of the month where the day number reduces to a two will enjoy extra excellent fortune for you. The following days fit this criteria: the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and the 29th. Cancers should also eye for chances to play the numbers (11) and (2) in games of chance. Casino dice games like craps, where the number (11) is a winning combination tend to favor people born under this heed.

Cancer's Lucky Hours

For persons born under Cancer, the luckiest hours of the day are those in which the Moon is the ruling planet. If you know the time of sunrise, you can calculate these hours when fate is on your side. objective consult the table below for the unique day of the week.

Sunday: The luckiest hours for Cancers are the 4th, 11th, and 18th hours after sunrise.

Monday: The luckiest hours for Cancers are the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd hours after sunrise.

Tuesday: The luckiest hours for Cancers are the 5th, 12th, and 19th hour after sunrise.

Wednesday: The luckiest hours for Cancers are the 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd hours after sunrise.

Thursday: The luckiest hours for Cancers are the 6th, 13th, and 20th hour after sunrise.

Friday: The luckiest hours for Cancers are the 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th hours after sunrise.

Saturday: The luckiest hours for Cancers are the 7th, 14th, and 21st hours after sunrise.

Cancer's Luck Partners

Many games that we play involve working with a partner. For people born under Cancer, the best guarantee of safe fortune in these games is to steal a partner with a complementary Horoscope designate. The complimentary signs for Cancer are: Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, or Capricorn.